Chapter 38 Reload Timer
4. Registers
4.1 TMCSR: Reload Timer Control Status Register
The control status register controls the operation mode of the reload timer and interrupts.
• TMCSR0 (Reload timer 0): Address: 001B6H (Access: Byte, Half-word)
• TMCSR1 (Reload timer 1): Address: 001BEH (Access: Byte, Half-word)
• TMCSR2 (Reload timer 2): Address: 001C6H (Access: Byte, Half-word)
• TMCSR3 (Reload timer 3): Address: 001CEH (Access: Byte, Half-word)
• TMCSR4 (Reload timer 4): Address: 001D6H (Access: Byte, Half-word)
• TMCSR5 (Reload timer 5): Address: 001DEH (Access: Byte, Half-word)
• TMCSR6 (Reload timer 6): Address: 001E6H (Access: Byte, Half-word)
• TMCSR7 (Reload timer 7): Address: 001EEH (Access: Byte, Half-word)
(O: can be rewritten, x: cannot be rewritten)
(For information on attributes, see “Meaning of Bit Attribute Symbols (Page No.10)”.)
• bit15-14: Undefined
Writing has no effect on the operation. The read value is “0”.
• bit13: Undefined (reload timer 0 - reload timer 2)
Always write “0”. The read value is “0”.
• bit12-10: Count clock selection CLKP: peripheral clock
Notes: Depending on whether an internal clock or an external event is selected, the meaning of
the operation mode selection bit (MOD[2:0]) changes.
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 bit
– – – CSL2 CSL1 CSL0 MOD2 MOD1
- - - 0 0 0 0 0 Initial Value
RX/WX RX/WX RX/WX R0/WX R/W R/W R/W0 R/W Attribute
××××× × × ×
Rewrite during
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 bit
0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 Initial Value
R/W RX/WX R/W R/W R/W R(RM1),W R/W R0/W Attribute
× – ××× Ο Ο Ο
Rewrite during
CSL2 CSL1 CSL0 Count clock Remarks
0 0 0 Internal clock CLKP/2
0 0 1 Internal clock CLKP/8
0 1 0 Internal clock CLKP/32
0 1 1 External event (external clock)
1 0 1 Internal clock CLKP/64
1 1 0 Internal clock CLKP/128