Chapter 44 A/D Converter
3.Registers of A/D Converter
Cleared by writing "0" or by a reset. (Not cleared at the end of DMA transfer.) However when waiting
condition of DMA transfer, this bit cannot be cleared.
Regarding protect function of converted data, see Section “4. Operation of A/D Converter".
[bit 3, 2] STS1, STS0 (Start source select)
These bits initialized "00" by reset.
These bits select the A/D activation source.
In multiple-activation modes, the first activation to occur starts A/D conversion.
The activation source changes immediately on writing to the register. Therefore care is required when
switching activation mode during A/D operation.
The A/D converter detects falling edges on the external trigger pin. When external trigger level is "L" and
if these bits are changed to external trigger activation mode, A/D converting may starts.
Selecting the timer selects the 16-bit reload timer 7.
[bit 1] STRT (Start)
Writing "1" to this bit starts A/D conversion (software activation).
Write "1" again to restart conversion.
Initialized to "0" by a reset.
In continuous and stop mode, restarting is not occurred. Check BUSY bit before writing "1". (Activate
conversion after clearing.)
Do not specify forcible termination and software activation (BUSY="0" and STRT="1") at the same time.
[bit 0] reserved bit
Always write "0" to this bit.
■ A/D control status register 0 (ADCS0)
• ADCS0 (ADC0): Address 01A5h (Access: Half-word, Byte)
(See “Meaning of Bit Attribute Symbols (Page No.10)” for details of the attributes.)
[bit 7, 6] MD1, MD0 (A/D converter mode set)
These bits the operation mode.
Single mode: Continuous A/D conversion from selected channel(s) ANS4 to ANS0 to selected channel(s)
ANE4 to ANE0 with a pause after every conversion cycle.
STS1 STS0 Function
0 0 Software activation [Initial value]
0 1 External trigger pin activation and software activation
1 0 Timer activation and software activation
External trigger pin activation, timer activation and software
MD1 MD0 Operating mode
0 0 Single mode ; all restarts conversion during operation enabled
0 1 Single mode ; restarts conversion during operation disabled
1 0 Continuous mode ; restarts conversion during operation disabled
1 1 Stop mode ; restarts conversion during operation disabled