
A.4 Commands
Appendix A-43
b. Error code: Byte 0
Differentiates between current error or deferred error. This scanner returns X’70’
c. Segment number: Byte 1
This scanner does not support SEGMENT NUMBER. This scanner returns X’00’.
d. FM (file mark) : Byte 2
This scanner does not support FM. This scanner returns B’0’.
e. EOM (end of medium) : Byte 2
Indicates the completion of window reading: 1 when completed, 0 when not completed
f. ILI (incorrect length indicator) : Byte 2
Indicates that an error in logical block length has been detected
g. Sense key: Byte 2
Indicates the logical unit status using a sense key. This scanner supports the sense keys
shown in the following table: