
Operation and Maintenance
5.1.4 Function of CE mode
CE mode is available only for maintenance person, so the details of the CE mode are shown in the
maintenance manual of this scanner. In this section only the items of the CE mode is shown in
table 5.4 as a reference.
Table 5.4 Function of CE mode
Items Features
T01 Single Test feed Scanner tests the FB or ADF single sheet reading.
Scanner tests not only the feeding but also AGC control of
carrier unit and Optical unit.
T02 Multi Test feed Scanner continuously tests the feeding and AGC control
unit “Exit” is pressed.
T03 Offset Adjsutment Scanner automatically adjusts the offset of FB image,
ADF front image and ADF back image.
T04 EEPROM Setting This function supports the inquiry and over-writing of the
EEPROM data.
T05 OP Panel Test
Scanner tests the function of the LCD, LEDs and switches
on the operator panel.
T06 ADF Sensor Test
Scanner tests the switches on ADF indicating the ON/OFF
real time status on LCD.
T07 PROM Version Scanner displays the firmware version in PROM.
T08 Life Counter
Scanner displays the accumulated sheet number wich ADF
has fed.
T09 Baud Rate
This function supports the baud rate setting of RS232C.
Baud rate is selectable from 9600/4800/2400/1200 bps.
T10 Product ID
This function supports the setting of Product ID of SCSI
Product ID is selectable from
T11 Memory Test Scanner tests the image memory.