SPARC Enterprise M4000/M5000 Servers Product Notes 19
6502204 Unexpected error messages may be displayed
on console on booting after CPU UE panic.
Defect, VER: 1, SEVERITY: Minor
EVENT-TIME: Tue Jan 9 20:45:08 JST
CSN: 2030636002, HOSTNAME: P2-DC1-
If you see unexpected messages, use the XSCF
command showdomainstatus(8) to check
system status on XSCF.
6502750 Notification message for inserted or removed
card by PCI hot plug may not output.
None available at this time.
6508432 Many correctable errors (CE) may occur, and
despite these are the correctable errors,
domain may panic.
Set the following to /etc/system and then
reboot the domain:
set pcie:pcie_aer_ce_mask = 0x2001
6508434 The domain may panic when an additional
PCI-X card is installed or a PCI-X card is
replaced by using PCI hot plug.
Do not insert a different type of PCI-X card on
the same PCI slot card by using PCI hot plug.
6509337 s10s_u3 wanboot fails - The server returned
416: Requested Range Not Satisfiable.
None available at this time.
6510779 On a large single domain configuration, the
system may incorrectly report very high load
average at times.
There is no workaround. Check for the
availability of a patch for this defect.
6510861 When Dual-Channel Ultra320 SCSI Card
(SE0X7SC2F, SE0X7SC2X) is mounted,
correctable errors(CE) occur and system may
To mask these errors with Dual-Channel
Ultra320 SCSI Card (SE0X7SC2F, SE0X7SC2X),
add the following entry to the /etc/system file
and then reboot the system:
set pcie:pcie_aer_ce_mask = 0x31c1
6511374 Unexpected error messages may be displayed
on console after changing the system
WARNING: Translation error source
/LSB0/B0/0, PA 3c000000000, target
This message can be safely ignored.
TABLE 6 Specific Issues and Workarounds Concerning Solaris (Continued)
CR ID Description Workaround