LOGFNAME is the fully qualified base name of the event collection files. This definition is mandatory and the
related directory must exist. The complete name of an event collection file is created by suffixing this base name
with a 'nnnnn.xml' string where nnnnnn is a 6 digit index (e.g. EventCollection000005.xml)
LOGFSIZE is the file size limit in KB for the event collection file, when exceeded, the current file is closed and a
new one is created with an incremented index. The maximum file size is limited to 2Gb. If this parameter is not
defined or equal to 0, then the effective value of 2Gb is applied.
LOGFNBR is the maximum number of event collection files to be created. Once the index of the currently
generated event collection file has reached this limit, the next file will be created with an index starting at 1
(note that if the a collection with that index still exist, it will be overwritten). If this parameter is not defined or
equal to 0, then the effective value of 999999 is applied.
LOGFCURRENT is the index of the currently written event collector file. This definition is updated by the Callback
Collector each time a new collection file is created and should therefore not be edited.
* Microsoft Windows is a registered trademark Microsoft
3.4.6 Domain Monitoring GUI Server Installation under Microsoft Windows:
● Launch SETUP.EXE.
● Click "Next".
● Read, and accept the license agreement.
● Select a "COMPLETE" installation.
● Click on "Install".
❍ Files are copied on your system
● A DOS dialog window appears to configure the SSL certificate, answer to the questions. If you don't know
what to answer, keep the default propositions. Keeping defaults will just generate one extra warning for
the certificate.
❍ SSL certificate is installed on your system
● Enter the full qualified Domain name of your machine (SPIDERMAN.OSL.NET)
❍ Services are configured and started
● If the Request Distributor port number is already configured, a message box will inform you. If not, you
will be invited to enter the Request Distributor Port Number.
● A popup informs you that the installation has successfully completed.
● Click on the "Finish" button.
Now, use Mozilla/Firefox and browse to http://localhost to make sure that the GUI has been correctly
installed on your system.
NB: The Domain Monitoring GUI Server will only perform correctly if the Xprint domain and the Domain
Monitoring GUI Relay are correctly installed, configured and running. Uninstallation under Microsoft Windows (tm) :
● Launch SETUP.EXE
● Select "Remove"
● Confirm your choice.
❍ The uninstallation is performed.
● Click on Finish.
❍ The product is uninstalled Silent installation under Microsoft Windows :
Is not possible.