
When trying to view a job, if the data file is no more accessible, an error message appears in Mercator.
3.5.18 Options order
There is difference of the behaviour of Xprint for options order in extended or simple options. When the same
option but with different values is repeated in a list of extended options (-ex) and this option is 'known' by the
product to tune a functionality, then only the first occurrence in the list is taken into account. On the contrary,
when the same option but with different values is repeated in a list of options
(-op), the last one is kept.
3.5.19 Cooperation with Wprint 4.0
When jobs are issued from Wprint 4.0 to Xprint V8.0A10, the job extended option field 'P_PAGE_NBR' is filled
in with the number of pages of the printed document.
3.5.20 Which PCL is recommended according to a printer
Please refer to the FAQ.
3.5.21 Interoperability with LDAP
A special callback library has been built-up to allow accessing information stored in a LDAP directory.
A usage example has been developed to identify in LDAP a default destination for a given Xprint user when executing a job
The below schema represents the process flow for a new job submission when the callback library has been activated