3.8.7 Wprint 4.0
Wprint 4.0 can now print on Xprint redirected printers to another domain but no job management is available for this
kind of printing submission.
3.8.8 SNMP
● SNMP agent does not monitor remote objects
● On an insufficient hardware configuration for the number of Xprint objects (please consult configuration
advices in chapter "Virtual Memory consumption"), SNMP agent can present some instability risks. If such a
situation occurs, the use of the host extended option that disables the monitoring of jobs via the SNMP agent
(see "List of extended options keywords" in appendix A) will certainly improve the SNMP agent behaviour.
3.8.9 Mercator
When a list of devices is activated from Mercator, depending on the speed of the hardware and the number of
devices, some error messages could report some activation problems on some devices in the list. After the end of the
processing, The devices that remained not activated should be re-activated again.
3.8.10 Firewall
When using firewall, it is not recommended to have this one configured inside an Xprint domain because Xprint
allocates dynamically port number at entity activation. So, the port keeped opened by the firewall should be too
important and this tool should not be useful.
3.8.11 Dprint
In the context of the interoperability with the DPRINT product, it is not possible for DPRINT users to display more
than two Xprint jobs at a time.
3.8.12 Page selection for ASCII files on POSTSCRIPT
The page selection for ASCII files on a POSTSCRIPT printer is always printing the first page of the document (in
addition to the selected pages).
3.8.13 On Microsoft Windows
● The notification method MAIL is emulated by using the Windows messenger service.
● Hardware with max. 2 processors is supported.
● The option FTU of the command xpsetuser does not work. The command set_FTuser is still available.
See chapter 9.4 in the XPRINT User's and Administrator's Guide for a complete description of limitations specific to
Xprint for Windows.
3.8.14 Domain Monitoring GUI (DMG) Server
● The behaviour of the filters and views involving numeric comparisons might lead to unexpected results. This is
due to the fact that the lower (<) and greater (>) operators are performed on character strings instead of
numeric values.
● In the DMG interface, the user filter must have a unique name for all the objects. It is not possible to have a
user filter named "FLT1" for the device object and a user filter name "FLT1" for the job object f.i.
● In Xprint domain, when an anarchy is present, this is not, at this time, automatically detected by the Domain
Monitoring GUI
3.8.15 Domain Monitoring GUI (DMG) Server installation
The installation procedure of the DMG Server does not configure automatically the port number (http and https) on