
Per machine or domain, you must enter every corresponding update license key with the command
"xpkey -i" .
3.5.2 Renaming the hostname in an Xprint domain
Is described in chapter 6.2.1 in the Xprint 8.0 User's and Administrator's Guide and in the Xprint 8.0 Reference
manual, chapter 'xppatch'.
3.5.3 Bsd filter port options
Two specific options (PI and PA) exist for bsd filters. These options define the port range the remote BSD client
must use for sending jobs to the local gateway or receiving jobs from it. These options are defined for the
administrator comment field of the device using the filter.
xpadd -dev ... -ca "host= ... queue= ... PI=0 PA=1023
The default values are "PI=721 PA=731" or "PI=512 PA=1023" when the "--compatible" mode is set.
Jobs sent to printer with bsd fast filter remain ACTIVE forever.
This behaviour results from a deadlock between fast filter and backend processing. The solution consists of
modifying the definition of each PCL used with a bsd fast filter (the path of PCL file is opt/Xprint/PCL/xpterm).
The option to be adapted is "itfpo" and the new value is the following one:
itfpo= "JOB_ID *=*" "DEBUG *=*" "PCL *=*" "COMMENT *=-w"
Then you have to perform 'xpmod -pcl <PCL name> -fi xpterm' for each PCL used by a bsd fast filter device.
3.5.4 Test of the printer device address
This is described in the Xprint 8.0 Reference manual, chapter 3.2.
3.5.5 Device selection
The smart device selection processing is applied when jobs are submitted without explicit device destination. In
this case, either no device destination or a device group name is given.
If you do not specify a specific printer (group) for your print job, Xprint will select a suitable printer according
to the options specified for the print job (e.g. double sided printing, landscape format).
In order to print the job on a printer corresponding to the print job options, a first devices list is established by
If no device destination is given, Xprint creates a first destination list from the destinations in the local
domain preset in the XP_DESTIN shell variable. If this variable is not filled, Xprint searches if there is
printers or printer group attached to the concerned host (at xpadd –hos definition, the Xprint
administrator may define the name of a printer or a printer group to be used for a job if no alternative
destination is specified as part of the xpadd -job command submitted from this host)
If a device group is given, Xprint establishes a first devices list corresponding to the devices pertaining to
this device group. It takes first in account the shell variable XP_DLPRIO that defines the priority order
within the device group. If XP_DLPRIO variable is empty, the shell variable XP_LOCALPRIO (which is the
priority to a local destination in a candidate devices list) is then taken into account
In this created devices lists, some servers are configured.
Xprint will choose the active server where the job will be executed following the load level of the servers.
The print is then directed to one device of the less loaded server