ServerRoot Apache root directory between quotes
Port that apache listen to.
You cannot change port for SSL (443).
ServerAdmin eMail of the Administrator (optional)
ServerName Full name of the server (with DNS extension)
DocumentRoot Path where the DomainMonitoringGUI is.
Somewhere in the file, is this line:
LoadModule php5_module "C:\PHP\php5apache.dll"
Edit it with the path to PHP.
This section describes how apache must handle HTTPS.
Edit the SSLCertificateFile, and SSLCertificateKeyFile with apache relative's
User That's the user that apache will use to access files on hard disk.
Group That's the user group that apache will use to access files on hard disk.
Commenting this directive will have for effect to disable access logging (not
Commenting this directive will have to effect to disable error logging (not
All paths must respect the UNIX like format, always use slashes instead of backslashes on both Unix
and Windows platforms.
To apply your changes, you need to stop and restart apache manually.
On Windows: Stop and start apache service.
2. DomainMonitoringGUI (INI/xpIni.ini)
Keyword Working
root Physical root directory of DMG
wwwroot Web URL to DMG
includeDir Root directory of the include files
langDir Root directory of the lang files
logDir Root directory of the log files
tmpDir Root directory of the DMG temporary files
dbDir Root directory of the databases
imagesDir Root directory of DMG's images.
session_expire_timeout Inactive session lifetime
Enables the debugging when set to 'true' and disables it when set
to 'false'
imagesAlias Web relative URL for DMG's images.
javaScriptAlias Web relative URL for DMG's JavaScript codes.
xpRefreshAlias Web relative URL for DMG's selective refresh mechanism.
helpAlias Web relative URL for DMG's help.
displayShowXXX Accepts the standard Xprint flags according to the Xprint object
Parameters for the 'xpShow' command line.
Can only be 'diS' or 'diL'.
Anything other will cause an error
defaultLanguage The language suffix code for default (en, de,...)
DetailedMonitoringRefreshTime The refresh interval default value on detailed monitoring