# xpkey -i "First line:second line:"
# xpkey -i "oo Dt xx Y4 UR vW 64 Up Hy 96 Qr Lz 9U TQ:m9 Rm Ez Wt BW 0b ?V p? cD:"
No blank between the second line and the first line.
Important information:
The same license key cannot be installed more than once in a Xprint domain. Several installations of the same
key will lead to "No valid license" messages at start-up. Therefore, if you have already installed the same
key for 'local' mode on several host, please remove them before installing 'network' license key.
The installation procedure should only be influenced by the order of operations in case of Local use of Xprint. If
a local key is found before the installation procedure, any initialization of the Xprint database will be done in
silent mode.
When several keys concerning the control of devices are found in a domain, Xprint will use the largest
value. Restricting existing features is thus not possible. In a Xprint-Demo mode you can run DBinstall only
once. Licensing procedure
Each key has to be entered separately with the command xpkey "xpkey -l". With the option "xpkey -l" already
installed keys can be seen. Basic privileges as Local / Net Client / Net Server are granted at Xprint start-up.
Any failure due to missing privileges will lead the start-up to be aborted with the message:
"XP000259: No valid license available."
A more detailed information can be found in the Xprint.log file located in the Xprint root directory.
Reasons may be :
Unrecognised license : no license was found or it can not be used for the current version of Xprint
Service needs Server license : The host is defined as POT_MASTER while only Xprint Net Client key is available.
The activation of entities during start-up will be ignored on Xprint Net Client hosts. They will be rejected if the
administrator requests activation during an Xprint session. Similarly, adding or duplicating Xprint printer
objects will be rejected when the maximum number of logical printers is reached.
When several keys concerning the control of devices are found in a domain, Xprint will use the largest value.
Restricting existing features is thus not possible. In a Xprint-Demo mode you can run DBinstall only once. Domain Monitoring GUI Server
A licensing mechanism checks the number of concurrent GUI sessions allowed on your installation. Any
monitoring window is considered as a session. The license file must be stored in the DomainMonitoringGUI root
path. In case no license file is available, you are granted a number of 2 concurrent sessions maximum.
Default path of the DomainMonitoringGUI license keys for Microsoft Windows(tm):
C:\Program Files\DomMonGui\Server\guiMsg Xprint License Update
On the basis of your conditions of the software product use and service agreement you must possess for every
Xprint license a corresponding Xprint update license of the following version.