HUAWEI VP9050 Executive Video Terminal
Issue 03 (2011-12-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
indicates that a data card has been removed, or the network connection of the data
card is faulty.
3.4.2 Setting 3G Parameters
To set the terminal's 3G parameters, do the following:
Step 1 Choose Settings > Network > 3G > 3G Settings, and then set the parameters listed in Table
Table 3-9 3G parameters
Parameter Description
Enable 3G
After enabling the 3G network, you can initiate an H.323 or SIP video
conference using the terminal over the 3G network.
IP address
This specifies the mode for obtaining an IP address. The default value is
Dynamic. It is recommended that you use the default value.
Dynamic: The terminal obtains an IP address dynamically and
automatically from the network.
Static: The terminal uses an assigned IP address to connect to a specific
IP address
If IP address type is set to Dynamic, the IP address assigned by the
server is displayed in this text box only after a Point to Point Protocol
(PPP) connection is established successfully. After being registered with
the GK using the assigned IP address, the terminal can call remote sites
using the relevant numbers, names, or IP addresses over the 3G network.
If IP address type is set to Static, you can enter the IP address
n mode
When the terminal is connected to a 3G network in PPP dial-up mode, the
authentication mode can be set to PAP or CHAP to prevent the access by
unauthorized users. The default value is CHAP. It is recommended that
you use the default value.
If you set the authentication mode to password authentication protocol
(PAP), the user name and the password are transmitted over the network
using plaintext. If the user name and the password are captured during
transmission, the network security is at great risk. Therefore, you can use
the PAP mode when the network security requirement is comparatively
If you set the authentication mode to the Challenge-Handshake
Authentication Protocol (CHAP), only the user name is transmitted over
the network. Therefore, this authentication mode provides a higher
security level than the PAP mode. In CHAP authentication mode, each
inquiry message for authentication is unpredictable and unique,
preventing recurring network attacks.