HUAWEI VP9050 Executive Video Terminal
Issue 03 (2011-12-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
Step 3 Select Save to save the settings.
7.3 Using Conference Control Functions
7.3.1 Viewing Sites
You can view a single site or view multiple sites in turn.
On the View Site screen, you can view a single site or view multiple sites in turn at preset
Table 7-1 Conference control functions
Function Name Description
View Site
An ordinary site can view only one site at a time. The chair site
can view one site at a time or multiple sites in turn at preset
Broadcast Site
All the sites in the conference are forced to view the
broadcasting site.
The chair site can broadcast one site at a time or multiple sites in
turn at preset intervals.
Give Floor
This function is used to give floor to a site. The other sites in the
conference view the site that is given the floor. In addition, their
microphones are muted.
Lock Presentation
This function is used to restrict the presentation sharing right of
a site or a conference. The following two options are available:
Locking site presentation: After the chair site locks the
presentation of an ordinary site, such as site A, only site A has
the right of sharing presentation.
Locking conference presentation: After the chair site locks the
conference presentation, a site can share its presentation only
when no presentation is currently being shared.
Sites Requesting Floor
This function is used to display all the sites that are requesting
for the floor.
Call Site
You can call an absent site on the site list to enable the site to
join the conference.
To call all absent sites to enable them to join the conference,
select Call All.
Disconnect Site You can disconnect all the sites present at a conference.
Delete Site You can delete sites from an ongoing conference.
Mute/Unmute MIC
After you have muted the microphone of a site, the other sites in
the conference cannot hear the site. To enable the site to be
heard, unmute the microphone of the site.