HUAWEI VP9050 Executive Video Terminal
Issue 03 (2011-12-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
6.4.3 Sharing a Presentation
If the video source of the presentation has been configured, and the presentation parameters
have been set, you can connect a computer to the terminal to share files stored on the
computer. When you are sharing files on the computer, the remote sites can view your video
and the desktop contents of the computer. You can press to start or stop sharing a
You can select one of the following modes for sharing a presentation based on the
Auto: The terminal automatically sends the video along with the presentation. This
option is available when the H.239 mode is set to Live.
Manual: Use the remote control to share a presentation.
6.4.4 Viewing the Combined Picture of the Presentation and the
During a conference, a combined picture of the video and the presentation can be viewed by
pressing on the remote control or selecting Layout from the option bar.
For details, see section 8.2 "Adjusting the Screen Layout."
6.5 Joining an Authentication Conference
If the number of sites that are expected to join the conference is not known, you can set the
number of anonymous sites, and then hold an authentication conference. A site can join the
authentication conference by calling the conference access number.
Figure 6-1 shows how to join an authentication conference.