HUAWEI VP9050 Executive Video Terminal
Issue 03 (2011-12-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
The chair site can broadcast any of the sites participating in a conference (except for an
audio-only site) or broadcast multiple sites (including the chair site) in turn at preset intervals.
When a site is being broadcast, all non-chair sites are forced to view the broadcasting site
while the chair site can view any of the sites participating in the conference.
To stop broadcasting a site, select Stop or Discussion.
After the chair site stops broadcasting a site, all the sites in the conference can view any other
site. Stop is available when there is a broadcasting site in the conference.
7.3.3 Giving the Floor to a Site
The chair site can give the floor to a site and mute all the other sites by performing the Give
Floor operation.
If the chair site uses the Give Floor function to give the floor to a site, the video and audio of
this site are broadcast and the microphones of all the other sites except for the chair site are
muted. To give the floor to a site, access the Give Floor screen, scroll to the site, and then
press .
To exit the Give Floor mode, select Discussion on the chair site.
7.3.4 Displaying Sites Requesting for the Floor
The chair site can use this function to view the sites that are currently requesting for the floor.
During a conference, if a non-chair selects Request Floor, the site is added to the list of sites
requesting for the floor. The chair site can select a site from the list to give the floor to the site.
Then the site is broadcast and the microphones of all the other sites (except for the chair site)
are muted.
The list of sites requesting for the floor is cleared after the chair site gives floor to a site.
7.3.5 Placing a Call
This function is used to place a call to a site that is not present in the conference. The site
joins the conference after answering the call.
If the conference is charged, the resources of the videoconferencing system and your account balance
determine whether the called site can join the conference properly.
You can select Call All on the Call screen. Then the system automatically calls all the sites
that are not present in the conference to enable them to join the conference.
7.3.6 Disconnecting a Site
The chair site can disconnect a participating site from the conference. After the disconnection,
the site exits the conference automatically.
7.3.7 Deleting a Site
During a conference, the chair site can delete a site that has joined the conference or is not
present in the conference.
After being deleted, the site is not associated to the conference anymore and is not included in
the site list. To enable the site to join the conference again, the chair site needs to add the site