HUAWEI VP9050 Executive Video Terminal
Issue 03 (2011-12-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
Function Name Description
Mute/Unmute Speaker
After you have muted the speaker of a site, the site cannot hear
the current conference. To enable the site to hear the conference,
unmute the speaker.
Voice Activation
This function is used during discussion. The site with the loudest
voice is viewed by the other sites in the conference.
Request Chair
An ordinary site can use this function to request for chair control
Request Floor
This function is used to request for the floor, especially when
another site is being broadcast.
Release Chair
The chair site can use this function to release chair control
rights. After the chair control rights are released, another site can
request to become the chair site.
You can use this function to cancel the following conference
control functions that are currently being used:
Broadcasting sites
Muting the microphone
Muting the speaker
Giving the floor
Extend Conference This function is used to extend a conference.
Add Site
This function is used to add sites to an ongoing conference. The
sites join the current conference after being added.
At the chair site, you can select Add Site from the Conference
Control screen, and then select Address Book to add a site from
the address book or select Others to create a new site and add
the site to the conference.
Revoke Presentation
This function is used by the chair site to revoke the presentation
sharing right from a site during a dual-stream conference when
the presentation mode is set to Presentation. The site whose
presentation sharing right has been revoked stops sharing the
Revoke Chair
This function is available only to the site that initiates or pays for
the conference. After the chair control rights are revoked, no
chair site exists in the conference. Sites in the conference can
request to become the chair site afterwards.
Set Continuous
This function is used to view multiple site videos
End Conference This function is used to end a conference.
7.3.2 Broadcasting Sites
All the sites (except for the broadcasting site) are forced to view the broadcasting site.