HUAWEI VP9050 Executive Video Terminal
Issue 03 (2011-12-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
10 Security
10.1 Setting the Administrator Password
You can set the administrator password to restrict access to certain screens.
To set the administrator password, do the following:
Step 1 Choose Settings > Security > Password, and then set the parameters listed in Table 10-1.
Table 10-1 Encryption parameters
Parameter Description
Administrator Password The administrator password is left blank by default.
The password must consist of only letters (uppercase and
lowercase) and digits, with a maximum of 32 characters.
Encrypt utilities
After this function is enabled, the administrator password must
be entered to access the Utilities screen.
Encrypt diagnostics
After this function is enabled, the administrator password must
be entered to access the Diagnostics screen.
Step 2 Save the settings.
10.2 Restricting Screen Access Using the Administrator
After the administrator password is set and certain screens are encrypted, users are required to
enter the administrator password to access these screens.
The administrator can encrypt the following screens:
Settings screen
Utilities screen
Diagnostics screen
Customize Option Bar screen