The TRITON STUDIO features an Open Sampling System
that allows sampling and resampling to be performed not
only in Sampling mode, but also in Program, Combina-
tion, or Sequencer modes.
You can perform 48 kHz 16-bit linear mono or stereo sam-
pling; 16 Mbytes of sample memory (RAM) as well as a
hard drive are factory-installed. (For the capacity of the
hard drive, refer to p.154.)
Sample memory (RAM)
of 16 Mbytes is factory-installed,
allowing approximately 2 minutes 54 seconds of mono
sampling (or approximately 1 minute 27 seconds of stereo
sampling). Sample memory can be expanded to a maxi-
mum of 96 Mbytes, which allows you to record up to six
samples of approximately 2 minutes 54 seconds each
(mono) or approximately 1 minute 27 seconds each (ste-
reo), for a total 17 minutes 28 seconds of sampling time.
hard drive
lets you record up to 80 minutes as a sin-
gle sample file in either mono or stereo (monaural:
approximately 440 Mbytes, stereo: approximately 879
Mbytes). This will create a WAVE file. (In order to play a
hard disk sample from the TRITON STUDIO’s keyboard,
it must be able to be loaded into the sampling memory
(RAM). Sample files of up to 16 Mbytes (mono) or 32
Mbytes (stereo) can be loaded into RAM.)
For more on the sampling features of the TRITON STU-
A sophisticated 16-track MIDI sequencer is built in. The
sequencer can be used in conjunction with other functions
such as the dual arpeggiator and RPPR, making it an even
more powerful music production tool than a stand-alone
In addition, you can sample while listening to sequencer
tracks play back – just as if you were recording an audio
track (In-Track Sampling).
For more on the TRITON STUDIO’s sequencer (
Song Play
In Song Play mode, SMF (Standard MIDI File) songs can
be played back directly from floppy disk or other media.
You can also play the keyboard along with the SMF play-
back. You can play along on the keyboard as you listen to
the SMF playback, and even play the arpeggiator in sync
with the playback tempo of the SMF.
• Formats 0 and 1 are supported.
• A jukebox function lets you edit the order in which
songs are played back.
Dual polyphonic arpeggiator
• Five preset arpeggio patterns (UP, DOWN, ALT1
ALT2, RANDOM) and 507 user arpeggio patterns are
provided. With the factory settings, these contain a
wide variety of preload user patterns (367).
In addition to providing conventional arpeggiator
functions, the polyphonic arpeggiator of the TRITON
STUDIO can respond to the pitches or timing at which
you play the keyboard, and produce a diverse range of
chords or phrases. This can be used to play a variety of
drum phrases (using the “Fixed Note Mode” that is
ideal for drums), bass phrases, or guitar and keyboard
backing riffs. The arpeggiator is also effective for use
with subtly moving pads, synth sounds, or sound
In Combination mode, Sequencer mode, and Song Play
mode, the TRITON STUDIO provides dual arpeggia-
tors that can simultaneously play two arpeggio pat-
terns. You can apply separate arpeggio patterns to
drum and bass programs, or use keyboard splits or
velocity to switch between arpeggio patterns for an
even more dynamic performance.
The TRITON STUDIO features Korg’s RPPR (Realtime
Pattern Play/Recording) function.
In Sequencer mode, this function allows you to assign pre-
set patterns or user patterns (with a specified playback
track) to individual notes of the keyboard, and playback
that pattern in realtime simply by pressing the assigned
note. Numerous preset patterns, including patterns ideal
for drum tracks, are built into the internal memory.
6-channel audio input/6-channel audio output
• Both analog (2 channel) and digital (2 channel) audio
inputs are standard, allowing you to record stereo
samples. (If the EXB-mLAN option is installed, two
more input channels will be added.)
The analog inputs have a MIC/LINE level select
switch and a level knob, accommodating a wide range
of audio sources from mic level to line level.
The digital inputs support S/P DIF format.
Audio inputs can also be routed to the effects. You can
apply effects while sampling, and use the TRITON
STUDIO as a 6-in/6-out effect processor or even create
a vocoder effect in conjunction with internal sounds.
• 6 channels of audio output are standard: four
individual audio outputs in addition to the L/MONO
and R main stereo audio outputs. Oscillators, drums,
timbres/tracks, and the insert effect outputs can all be
freely routed to any output.
As analog outputs, the TRITON STUDIO provides
VIDUAL) 1, 2, 3, and 4.
As digital output, you can use S/P DIF (2 channels: L/
MONO and R), ADAT (when the EXB-DI option is
installed), and mLAN (6 channels: when the EXB-mLAN
option is installed).
• S/P DIF input and output support 48 kHz/96 kHz
sampling frequencies.
You can interface directly to a 96 kHz sampling fre-
quency digital recording system.
TouchView user interface
The TRITON STUDIO uses a TouchView user interface
that lets you operate the instrument directly by touching a
large 320
240 pixel LCD screen, for a revolutionary leap
in ease of operation and user friendliness. When selecting
programs, combinations, multisamples, drumsamples, or
effects in the LCD screen, you can also view and select by
categories such as types of instrument.
CD-RW drive
When the CDRW-1 (CD-R/RW drive) option is installed,
you can create original CD’s, back up your data, or play
back and sample from audio CD’s without the need to
connect any external equipment.