Simple program editing
By operating the performance editor and the realtime con-
trollers you can easily and intuitively modify the sound of
a program.
Program editing refers to the process of modifying the
parameters that make up a program, in order to modify
the sound or change the controller, effect settings etc.
More detailed editing can be performed in Program
P1: Edit-Basic – P9: Edit-Master Effect.
Performance Edit
By using the eight sliders of the Performance Editor, you
can make overall adjustments to the sound. When you
edit the setting, multiple program parameters are
adjusted simultaneously.
1 Press the [PROG] key (the LED will light) to enter
Program mode.
2 Press the Perf. Edit tab.
The Performance Edit page will appear.
3 Select the Program.
4 Select the Performance Editor, and use the VALUE
controllers to edit the settings.
If you want to reset the value to the value saved with
the selected program, press numeric key [0] and then
press the [ENTER] key to restore the previous setting.
• Octave: Indicates the octave setting.
• Pitch Stretch: Simultaneously adjusts the transpose
and tune settings of the oscillator. This allows you to
produce a variety of tonal changes without losing the
character of the original sound.
This is particularly effective for acoustic-type pro-
grams such as guitar, bass, or piano. Select various
programs and try this out.
“Pitch Stretch” cannot be used with bank INT-F.
• OSC Balance: Adjusts the level balance between
oscillators 1 and 2.
For programs whose “Oscillator Mode” (Program
P1: Edit-Basic, Program Basic page) setting is Single,
oscillator 2 will not sound. Only the level of oscillator
1 will change. For a Drums program, this perfor-
mance editor will have no effect.
• Amp Level: Indicates the amp level. This will adjust
the volume of the entire program.
• Attack Time: Indicates the attack time of the filter EG
and amp EG. This will adjust the speed of the attack
from note-on.
In order to maximize the effect of the Attack Time
adjustment, the amp EG Start Level, Attack Level,
Start Level Modulation, and Attack Time Modulation
parameters are also adjusted.
• Decay Time: Indicates the decay time and slope time
of the filter EG and amp EG.
• IFX Balance: This simultaneously adjusts the “Wet/
Dry” balance of all insert effect.
• MFX Balance: This simultaneously adjusts the Return
1 and 2 parameters of the master effects.
Depending on the settings of the program parame-
ters, the result may not be noticeable.
Realtime controls
The REALTIME CONTROLS [1]–[4] knobs can be used to
edit parameters such as the filter cutoff frequency, reso-
nance, the amp and filter EG, release, volume, portamento
time, pan, pitch LFO, and master effect send level etc.
If CC#70–79 are assigned to REALTIME CONTROLS
A-mode or B-mode, the sound edited by knobs [1]–[4]
can be saved by the Program Write operation.
Writing a program
The edited content will be lost if you select another
program or turn off the power before saving.
If you want to save the modified sound, select the
page menu command “Write Program,” and write the
program. (☞p.56)
It is best to write your own edited programs into an ini-
tial (initialized) program of bank INT-E or EXB-A–
EXB-G. You should also give a new name to the pro-
gram you are writing.
If you want to overwrite the program using the same
program number, press the SEQUENCER [REC/
WRITE] key and then press the OK button.
Parameters assigned to B-mode
of the realtime editor
Type of Insert effect
Type of
Master effect
Functions assigned to [SW1] and [SW2] keys