Quick Start
Power on/offDemo songPlaying
Producing a song
This section explains how to use the TRITON STUDIO’s
internal sequencer. The example procedures described
here will cover realtime recording and step recording, as
well as various convenient functions provided by the
internal sequencer, such as template songs, preset pat-
terns, and the arpeggiator.
There are many other recording methods and functions
(☞p.80), but working through this section will give you a
basic understanding of the song production process.
This explanation assumes that you are starting from
the default state immediately after power-on.
Creating the basic song
1. Loading a template song, and copying
preset patterns (drum phrases)
1 Press the [SEQ] key to enter Sequencer mode.
2 Load a template song.
Press the page menu button to access the page menu,
and press “Load Template Song.”
A dialog box will appear.
Press the popup button located at the right of “From,”
and select P13: Acid Jazz from the menu.
There are 16 template songs, each containing pro-
gram, pan, volume, and effect settings suitable for
various styles of music. By loading a template into a
song, you can begin recording immediately without
having to make the same frequently-used settings
each time.
If you want to specify the program and volume set-
tings yourself from scratch, refer to “Preparations for
recording” (☞p.82).
Check the “Copy Pattern to Track too?” check box.
If this is checked, a drum pattern will be copied to the
song after the template song is loaded.
Press the OK button to load the template song.
A dialog box will appear.
Make sure that Preset, P109: AcidJazz 1/Std2 is
selected at the right of “Pattern.” If not, use the
VALUE controller to select it.
You can press the SEQUENCER [START/STOP] key to
hear the selected pattern. To stop, press the [START/
STOP] key once again.
Press the OK button to copy the pattern.
The “Measure” value will change from 001 to 009. This
indicates that the pattern has been copied from mea-
sure 1 to measure 8, and that the next time you press
the OK button, the pattern will be copied from measure
Press the Exit button.
In the Sequencer P0: Play/REC, Program T01–08 page,
the “Song Select” field will indicate S000: Acid Jazz.
Preset patterns can be used in a song at any time. This
can be done by using the page menu commands “Put
To Track” or “Copy To Track” (Sequencer P6: Pat-
tern/RPPR, Pattern Edit page) (☞PG p.77).
Track Select