
If you are sampling to hard disk, select a different
hard disk. PG p.7, 37, 57, 96
Delete unneeded samples. PG p.92
Save samples you want to keep, and then delete
them. PG p.167, 92
Is the “Trigger” setting correct? PG p.4, 37, 56, 97
In Sampling mode if you are resampling with
“Resample” set to Auto, has the sample to be
resampled been assigned to the keyboard, and
selected for “Key”? p.107, PG p.98
Is the “Source BUS” setting correct?
If you want to listen to the performance of the inter-
nal tone generator while sampling only the external
input sound (i.e., when using the In-Track Sampling
function), you will normally set this to Indiv.1/2.
For other types of sampling or resampling, set this
to L/R. p.104, PG p.4, 37, 56, 97
If a message of “Buffer underrun error occurred” is
displayed frequently when you are sampling to
hard disk, execute the page menu command
“Check Medium” (Disk, Utility page) to find and
correct any errors on the selected MS-DOS format
media. PG p.171
A stereo sample cant be played in stereo
Is the multisample stereo?
Execute the page menu command “MS Mono To
Stereo” to convert the multisample to stereo. PG
Is the sample name assigned correctly? PG p.90
Volume of a recorded sample is too low/too high
A sample that you resampled with “Recording
Level” set at approximately –12.0 (dB) plays back at
a lower volume than the volume at which you
resampled it.
Did you turn on the “Auto +12 dB On” setting when
you resampled? p.105
If you resampled with “Auto +12 dB On” turned off,
turn on “+12 dB” (Sampling mode Loop Edit page)
for that sample.
The playback volume of a sample is different than
the volume at which it was resampled or sampled.
If the sample playback is louder, did you set
“Recording Level” above +0.0? If it is lower, did you
set “Recording Level” below +0.0?
The “Recording Level” setting affects the level of
the sample data that is recorded, but it is not possi-
ble to monitor that level.
If the sample playback is louder, is “Auto +12 dB
On” turned on? If the playback is softer, is this set-
ting turned off?
If you resampled the playback of a song or your
playback performance using a program, combina-
tion, or sample, or combined your performance
with an external audio source and sampled the
result, did you set “Recording Level” to approxi-
mately –12.0 dB and turn on the “Auto +12 dB On”
setting? p.105
If you sampled only an external audio source, did
you set “Recording Level” to approximately +0.0,
and turn off “Auto +12 dB On”? p.105
Song or CD playback stops temporarily when you
Is “Auto Optimize RAM” checked?
If this is checked, RAM will be optimized automati-
cally when sampling ends, meaning that the sound
will stop when sampling ends. If a song is being
played in Sequencer mode or if a CD is being played
back, the playback will stop.
There is a time lag after you press the SAMPLING
[REC] key until you enter sampling-standby mode
The length of time until you enter sampling-
standby mode will depend on the state of the free
space on the hard disk (i.e., whether the free space
is continuous or fragmented).
When sampling to the hard disk, pressing the SAM-
PLING [REC] key will cause the amount of space
specified by “Sample Time” to be allocated within
the hard disk.
You should set “Sample Time” slightly longer than
the length that you will actually sample, and avoid
specifying an excessively long sample time.
Drum kits
The pitch of a drum sample does not change
You have left the “Assign” check box unchecked,
and want to play the drum sample at the adjacent
right a semitone lower, but the pitch does not
If you have selected a drum program in Program
mode, and then want to edit the drum kit in Global
mode, go to the Program P2: Edit-Pitch, OSC1 Pitch
Mod. page and set “Pitch Slope” to +1.0 before you
enter Global mode.
Arpeggiator does not start
Is the ARPEGGIATOR [ON/OFF] key turned on
If the arpeggiator does not start for a combination
or song, make sure that “Arpeggiator Run” is
checked, and that an arpeggiator is selected for
“Assign.” p.28, PG p.44, 82, 130
Is the “MIDI Clock” (Global P1: MIDI) parameter
set to Internal? PG p.143
If the ARPEGGIATOR [ON/OFF] key does not
respond in Global P6: User Arpeggio, you may
have moved here from Sampling mode or Disk
Effects are not applied
Have you selected effect program 000?