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Simple combination editing
A combination is a set of multiple (up to eight) programs,
and allows you to create complex sounds that could not
be produced by a single program.
Combination editing refers to the process of modifying
the sound of a combination by changing the program
selected for each timbre or by adjusting each timbre’s key-
board range and velocity range, or by modifying the con-
troller, and effect settings.
You can edit a combination in Combination P1: Edit-Pro-
gram/Mixer–P9: Edit-Master FX, but can also make set-
tings for “Program Select, “Pan,” and “Volume” in
Combination P0: Play as well.
An example of editing
As an example, here’s how to do some simple editing on
combination Bank INT-C086: Shiny DigiPiano.
1 Press the [COMBI] key (the LED will light) to enter
Combination mode.
2 Select INT-C086: Shiny DigiPiano.
This combination layers (simultaneously sounds) the
programs of timbre 1 and timbre 2. A typical electric
piano INT-D017: Pro-Stage EP is assigned to Timbre 1,
and a digital-type electric piano INT-D049: Classic
Tines is assigned to Timbre 2. These two programs are
layered to create a frequently-heard type of electric
piano sound.
A timbre consists a of program together with multi-
ple parameters that control that program. A combina-
tion can use up to eight of these timbres.
Selecting the program for a timbre
3 Press the Prog. Select tab.
When a timbre’s “Status” is turned Off, the program
assigned to that timbre will not sound. If the “Status” is
set to INT, the program will sound. Try setting timbres
1 and 2 alternately to INT and Off, and listen to the
After you have listened to the sound, set the “Status”
for timbres 1 and 2 to INT.
As an alternative to changing the “Status” setting,
you can select the page menu command “Solo
Selected Timbre” to hear the sound of an individual
4 Now let’s change the program of timbre 2 to a differ-
ent program.
Press the timbre 2 “Bank/Program (Program Select)”
switch (it will be highlighted).
Use the BANK [INT-A]–[EXB-G] keys, and VALUE
controllers to select a program.
Alternatively, you can select a program from a popup
menu. Press the popup button, and select the desired
program from the popup menu that appears.
5 You can also select programs by category. Press Cate-
gory popup button for timbre 2.
The “Category/Timbre2 Program” select menu will
appear. In this combination, a program from the “Key-
board” category is selected for both timbres 1 and 2.
Timbre 2
Timbre 1
Only timbre 1 will sound
Only timbre 2 will sound