Combination, Sequencer, Song
Play 141
Drum kit 129
Program 140
Sequencer 5, 14, 16, 21, 33, 49, 80,
81, 99, 102, 112, 115, 138, 139
Shortcut 146
SIMM 5, 19
.SNG file 55, 61
Solo 82, 121
Song 21, 33, 49, 80, 81
Convert a cue list 92
Copy 88
Create a WAVE file 116
Edit 88
In-Track Sampling 115
Naming 53, 88
Save 54
Setting the number of measures
Song Play 14, 16, 102, 120, 138, 139,
Song Play, Sequencer 141
Sounding a beep 146
Specifications 153
Split 76, 77
Standard MIDI File (SMF) 80, 97,
Status 77, 98, 120
Cue List 21, 90
User arpeggio pattern 134
Step recording 52, 86
Step, Arpeggiator 135
Stereo 111
[SW1], [SW2] 3, 25, 27, 144, 145
Synchronization 138
Song Play 120
Synchronize 144
Tab 9, 16
Template song 49, 120
Tempo 5, 29, 50, 74, 82, 91, 110, 112,
130, 132, 144
Text edit button 9, 40, 56, 57
Timbre 35, 76
Time signature 80, 82, 86
TNSFD-00P 65
Toggle button 9
Tone 26, 27, 68, 71, 124
User arpeggio pattern 135
Tone Generator 15
Tone, Arpeggiator 135
TouchView 2
Track 83
Musical data 81, 113
Setup parameters 81
Track edit 90
Track Play Loop 50
Track list 119
Transpose 77, 124
Tremolo 71, 73, 74
Tune 34
Tuning 124
Use DKit Setting 73
Use Zero 111
User arpeggio pattern 130
User pattern 81, 86
User Scale 126
User template song 55
VALUE controller 4, 17
[VALUE] dial 4
[VALUE] slider 4, 27
Velocity 27, 52, 70, 72, 146
Arpeggiator 5, 131
Velocity crossfad 76
Velocity Curve 124
Velocity drumsample switch-
ing 128
Velocity multisample switch-
ing 69
Velocity switch 76, 78
Velocity Zone 79
Velocity Sample SW Lo→Hi 128
Vibrato 25, 70, 71, 74
Volume 3, 19, 27, 34, 36, 68, 72, 76,
82, 108
Combination 36
Sequencer 82
[VOLUME] slider 3
Wah 25, 71, 72, 74
Write 5, 55
Arpeggiator 29, 30
Global settings, User drum kits,
User arpeggio patterns 58
Program, Combination 34, 36,
Realtime controls 34
SW1, SW2 25
User template song 55
Zero crosses 110
ZOOM button 44