Advanced Installation and Programming
3. In the Predefined Options and Values window, click Add.
4. In the Option Type window, set the following:
-Name: IP phone TFTP Server IP Address
-Type: IP Address
- Code: 128
Click OK.
-Value: enter the system IP address of the SX-200 ICP, then click
5. In the Predefined Options and Values window, click Add again.
6. In the Option Type window, set the following:
-Name: RTC IP Address
-Type: IP Address
- Code: 129
Click OK.
-Value: System IP Address of SX-200 ICP
Click OK.
7. In the Predefined Options and Values window click Add again.
8. In the Option Type window, set the following:
-Name: IP Phone DHCP Server
-Type: String
- Code: 130
Click OK.
Click OK.
If you are using VLANs, do ALL of the following steps. If you are not using
VLANs, do steps 13 to 18 and step 21
9. In the Predefined Options and Values window click Add again.
-Name: VLAN ID
-Type: Hex LONG (32 bit word)
- Code: 132
Click OK.
-Value: enter a numeric value for the VLAN.
Note: The server will automatically convert the numeric value to Hex.