
1.1.5 Automatic Extension Release
After going off-hook, if an extension user fails to dial any digits within a preprogrammed time period, the user
will hear a reorder tone. This operation applies to intercom calls only.
This feature is also known as Automatic Station Release.
A proprietary telephone (PT)/portable station (PS) user hears a reorder tone for a preprogrammed time
and then the PT/PS returns to idle status automatically. A single line telephone (SLT) user will hear
a reorder tone until he or she goes on-hook.
This feature works in one of the following cases:
When making an intercom call
a. The first digit is not dialed within a preprogrammed time period.
b. A digit is dialed, but subsequent digits are not dialed within a preprogrammed time period.
PC Programming Manual References
4.4 [2-3] Timers & Counters—Dial / IRNA / Recall / Tone
Dial—Extension First Digit
Dial—Extension Inter-digit
Tone Length—Reorder Tone for PT Handset
Tone Length—Reorder Tone for PT Hands-free
1.1.6 Automatic Fax Transfer
The PBX can distinguish between fax calls and other types of calls arriving on DISA lines, and automatically
transfer fax calls to preprogrammed destinations. When a call arrives on a DISA line, an OGM is played (®
12.1.2 OGM (Outgoing Message)). At the same time, the PBX begins fax signal detection. If a fax signal is
detected, the PBX recognizes that the call is a fax call, and transfers the call to the fax destination assigned
that OGM through system programming. This allows a single CO line to be used seamlessly for both voice
and fax calls, with only voice calls arriving at user extensions.
This feature is only available for the KX-TDA50.
[Available Automatic Fax Transfer Destinations]
Destination Availability
Wired Extension (PT/SLT/T1-OPX)
ICD Group
PS Ring Group
Floating Extension no. for SVM
External Pager (TAFAS)
Document Version 2008-11 Feature Manual 23
1.1.6 Automatic Fax Transfer