Service Description & Reference
Connected Line Identification
Presentation (COLP)
Sends the number of the answered party to the QSIG network when
answering a call.
13.1.21 Private Network Features—QSIG—CLIP/COLP (Calling/
Connected Line Identification Presentation) and CNIP/CONP
(Calling/Connected Name Identification Presentation)
Calling Line Identification
Restriction (CLIR)
Prevents the caller’s CLI being presented to the called party by the
13.1.21 Private Network Features—QSIG—CLIP/COLP (Calling/
Connected Line Identification Presentation) and CNIP/CONP
(Calling/Connected Name Identification Presentation)
Connected Line Identification
Restriction (COLR)
Prevents COLP being sent by the answered party.
13.1.21 Private Network Features—QSIG—CLIP/COLP (Calling/
Connected Line Identification Presentation) and CNIP/CONP
(Calling/Connected Name Identification Presentation)
Calling Name Identification
Presentation (CNIP)
Sends the caller’s name to the QSIG network when making a call.
13.1.21 Private Network Features—QSIG—CLIP/COLP (Calling/
Connected Line Identification Presentation) and CNIP/CONP
(Calling/Connected Name Identification Presentation)
Connected Name
Identification Presentation
Sends the name of the answered party to the QSIG network when
answering a call.
13.1.21 Private Network Features—QSIG—CLIP/COLP (Calling/
Connected Line Identification Presentation) and CNIP/CONP
(Calling/Connected Name Identification Presentation)
Calling Name Identification
Restriction (CNIR)
Prevents the caller’s
name being presented to the called party by the
® 13.1.21 Private Network Features—QSIG—CLIP/COLP (Calling/
Connected Line Identification Presentation) and CNIP/CONP
(Calling/Connected Name Identification Presentation)
Connected Name
Identification Restriction
Prevents CONP being sent by the answered party.
13.1.21 Private Network Features—QSIG—CLIP/COLP (Calling/
Connected Line Identification Presentation) and CNIP/CONP
(Calling/Connected Name Identification Presentation)
Call Forwarding (CF)—by
Forwards a call to the QSIG network.
13.1.20 Private Network Features—QSIG—CF (Call Forwarding)
Call Transfer (CT)—by QSIG Transfers a call to the QSIG network.
® 13.1.22 Private Network Features—QSIG—CT (Call Transfer)
254 Feature Manual Document Version 2008-11