
Directory Type Description Programming
PS Dialing Directory A list of names and telephone numbers. Used to make
a call to one of the stored parties.
Stored in the PS by the
PS user.
Quick Dialing A list of frequently dialed feature numbers as well as
names and telephone numbers. Used to quickly
access one of the stored features, or quickly make a
call to one of the stored parties.
Stored in the PS by the
PS user.
System Speed Dialing
A system-wide list of names and telephone numbers.
Used to make a call to one of the stored parties.
Stored in the PBX.
PBX Extension Dialing
A system-wide list of extension names. Used to make
a call to one of the stored extensions.
Stored in the PBX.
PC Programming Manual References
8.1 [6-1] System Speed Dial
CO Line Access Number + Telephone Number
6.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings
Extension Name
6.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings
Extension Name
PT Programming Manual References
[001] System Speed Dialing Number
[002] System Speed Dialing Name
[004] Extension Name
13.1.26 PS Feature Buttons
a portable station (PS) does not feature as many buttons as a proprietary telephone (PT), a PS can
be customized to give a PS user access to PBX features, just as the flexible buttons on a PT can be customized.
(® 6.1.3 Flexible Buttons)
13.1.27 PS Ring Group
A PS ring group is a way for several portable stations (PSs) to be notified of an incoming call simultaneously,
while using only one channel of a cell station (CS).
Normally when a PS receives a call, one channel of a CS is used to ring the PS (® 13.1.24 PS Connection).
If several PSs are members of an incoming call distribution (ICD) group, the available channels of a CS will
become busy just by ringing each PS. Assigning a group of PSs to a PS ring group alleviates this strain on the
CS because only one channel is needed to ring a PS ring group’s members.
PS ring group members and related parameters are assigned through system programming, as explained
a. Floating Extension Number: When this number is called, all PSs in the group ring.
266 Feature Manual Document Version 2008-11
13.1.27 PS Ring Group