Philips Medical Systems
1 Introduction to the HeartStart
The HeartStart Defibrillator M5066A is part of the Philips HeartStart HS1 family
of defibrillators. Small, lightweight, and battery powered, it is designed for simple
and reliable operation.
Sudden Cardiac Arrest
The HeartStart is used to treat the most common causes of sudden cardiac arrest
(SCA), including ventricular fibrillation (VF). SCA is a condition that occurs when
the heart unexpectedly stops pumping. SCA can occur to anyone – infant, child,
adult, male or female – anywhere, at any time. Many victims of SCA do not have
warning signs or symptoms.
VF is a chaotic quivering of the heart muscle that prevents it from pumping blood.
The only effective treatment for VF is defibrillation. The HeartStart treats VF by
sending a shock across the heart, so it can start beating regularly again. Unless this
is successful within the first few minutes after the heart stops beating, the victim is
not likely to survive.
Indications for Use
The HeartStart should be used to treat someone you think may be a victim of
SCA. A person in SCA:
• does not respond when shaken, and
• is not breathing normally.
If in doubt, apply the pads. Follow the voice instructions for each step in using the