Philips Medical Systems
If the patient is under 55 pounds or 8 years old, but you do NOT have an Infant/Child
Pads Cartridge:
• Remove all clothing from the torso, to bare both the chest and the back.
• Apply the HeartStart using the adult pads cartridge, but place one pad in the
center of the chest between the nipples, and the other in the center of the
back (anterior-posterior).
If the patient is over 55 pounds or 8 years old, or if you are not sure of the exact weight
or age:
• Remove all clothing from the chest.
• Apply the HeartStart using the adult pads cartridge, and place the pads as
illustrated on the pads (anterior-anterior). Make sure the pads do not overlap
or touch each other.
When emergency medical services arrive
When Emergency Medical Services (EMS) personnel arrive to care for the patient,
they may decide to apply another defibrillator to allow monitoring of the patient.
The SMART Pads should be removed from the patient prior to using another
defibrillator. EMS personnel may want a summary of the last-use data
stored in
the HeartStart. To hear the summary data, hold down the i-button until the
HeartStart beeps.
NOTE: After the EMS team removes the SMART Pads from the patient,
remove the used pads cartridge, and insert a new pads cartridge before
returning the HeartStart to service, to be sure it is ready for use.
* See Chapter 4, “After using the HeartStart” for details about data storage.