Philips Medical Systems
The Philips HeartStart Defibrillator comes with a factory default configuration
designed to meet the needs of most users. This configuration can only be
changed by an authorized person using HeartStart Configure PDA software or
Event Review software. This software is for use by trained personnel.
Information about HeartStart data management products is available online at
Device options
The following table includes the features of HeartStart Defibrillator operation that
are not related to patient treatment.
parameter settings default default description
speaker volume 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8
8 The volume of the HeartStart’s speaker is set
to 8, highest.
auto send periodic
self-test (PST) data
On, Off On Enables the periodic self-test data to be
broadcast through the device's infrared data
ECG out data On, Off On Enables the ECG data to be broadcast
through the device's infrared data port.