
Philips Medical Systems
(pediatric doses indicated
are based on CDC
growth charts for the
50th percentile weights
for boys.)
Using HeartStart Adult SMART Pads: 150 J nominal (
±15%) into a 50 ohm load.
Using HeartStart Infant/Child SMART Pads: 50 J nominal (
±15%) into a 50 ohm
load. Sample pediatric energy doses:
age energy dose
newborn 14 J/kg
1 year 5 J/kg
2 3 years 4 J/kg
4 5 years 3 J/kg
6 8 years 2 J/kg
* National Center for Health Statistics in collaboration with the National Center for Chronic
Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. CDC growth charts: weight-for-age percentiles, revised
and corrected November 28, 2000. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ©
charge control Controlled by Patient Analysis System for automated operation.
“charge complete”
Shock button flashes, audio tone sounds.
shock-to-shock cycle time <20 seconds, typical, including analysis.
patient care
pause-to-shock time
Quick Shock. 8 seconds, typical, from end of patient care pause to shock
disarm (AED mode) Once charged, the defibrillator will disarm if:
the patient’s heart rhythm changes to non-shockable rhythm,
a shock is not delivered within 30 seconds after the defibrillator has charged
for shock delivery,
the On/Off button is pressed and held down for at least one (1) second to
turn off the defibrillator,
the adhesive pads are removed from the patient or the pads cartridge is
disconnected from the defibrillator,
the battery is removed or is completely depleted or
the impedance between pads is out of range.
adult shock
delivery vector
Via adhesive pads placed in the anterior-anterior (Lead II) position.
infant/child shock
delivery vector
Via adhesive pads typically placed in the anterior-posterior position.
category specifications