
Philips Medical Systems
A Accessories for the HeartStart
for the HeartStart Defibrillator available separately from your Philips
representative or on-line at www.medical.philips.com/heartstart include:
Battery (spare recommended) [REF: M5070A]
Adult SMART Pads Cartridge (spare recommended) [REF: M5071A]
Infant/Child SMART Pads Cartridge [REF: M5072A]
Carry Cases
Standard carry case, with paramedic’s scissors and room for spare pad
cartridge and battery [REF: M5075A]
Slim carry case, with paramedic’s scissors [REF: M5076A]
Plastic waterproof hardshell carry case [REF: YC]
Fast Response Kit (pouch containing a pocket mask, a disposable razor, 2 pairs
of gloves, a pair of paramedic’s scissors, and an absorbent wipe)
Data Management Software
HeartStart Configure PDA software [REF: 989803143041]
HeartStart CaseCapture PDA software [REF: 989803143051]
HeartStart Review Express Connect [REF: 861311 option A01]
HeartStart Event Review, single PC license [REF: M3834A]
HeartStart Event Review, organization-wide license [REF: 989803141811]
HeartStart Event Review Pro, single PC license [REF: 861276 option A01]
HeartStart Event Review Pro, three-PC license [REF: 861276 option A02]
HeartStart Event Review Pro, organization-wide license
[REF: 861276 option A03]
Infrared cable for use with HeartStart Event Review software [REF: ACT-IR]
HeartStart Defibrillator Quick Reference [REF: M5066-97800]
* Certain accessories require a prescription in the United States.