Philips Medical Systems
fibrillation A disturbance of the normal heart rhythm that results in chaotic, disorganized
activity that cannot effectively pump blood. Ventricular fibrillation (fibrillation in
the lower chambers of the heart) is associated with sudden cardiac arrest.
HeartStart Event Review A suite of data management software applications for use by trained personnel to
review and analyze HeartStart Defibrillator patient use and by authorized
personnel to alter HeartStart configuration. Information is available from Philips
Medical Systems on the internet at http://www.medical.philips.com/goto/
i-button A blue “information” button on the front of the HeartStart Defibrillator. If the
i-button is pressed during the 30 seconds it flashes during a patient care pause, the
HeartStart provides CPR Coaching;
if the i-button is pressed when it is flashing
and the HeartStart is chirping, the HeartStart provides troubleshooting guidance.
At other times, if the i-button is pressed and held until it beeps once, the
HeartStart provides summary information about its last clinical use and device
status. When the i-button is on solid (not flashing), it indicates the user may safely
touch the patient.
A method of sending information using a special part of the light spectrum. It is
used to transmit information between the HeartStart Defibrillator and a computer
running HeartStart Event Review software.
NSA “No Shock Advised,” a decision made by the HeartStart Defibrillator that a shock
is not needed, based on analysis of the patient’s heart rhythm.
NSA pause A pause provided by the HeartStart Defibrillator following an NSA decision. The
pause can be configured to a “standard” NSA pause or a “SMART” NSA pause.
During a standard NSA pause the defibrillator performs no background
monitoring of patient rhythm. During a SMART NSA pause, the defibrillator
conducts background monitoring and, if it detects an artifact-free shockable
rhythm, will exit the pause and begin rhythm analysis. If the HeartStart detects
artifact such as that created by CPR, or if the user presses the i-button for CPR
Coaching during a SMART NSA pause, the defibrillator will not exit the pause for
rhythm analysis in order to allow CPR to be completed uninterrupted.
non-shockable rhythm A heart rhythm that the HeartStart Defibrillator determines is not appropriate for
On/Off button A green button located on the front of the HeartStart Defibrillator. Pressing the
On/Off button when the defibrillator is in standby mode turns the defibrillator on;
pressing and holding the On/Off button for one second when the defibrillator is on
turns the defibrillator off and disarms the defibrillator. In addition, pressing the
* Pressing the i-button for CPR Coaching during a SMART NSA pause turns off
background monitoring.