Appendix B – Configure 3rd Party Media Servers
Polycom, Inc. 93
To create a VRR for use with an external server:
1 Go to Template > VRRs.
2 Click Add.
3 Configure the following settings:
VRR Name:
VRR Number
Recording Template
Transcoding Template
e-mail Address: select this option and enter one or several e-mail addresses. Separate several
addresses with commas (,).
The streaming link is contained in the e-mail notification when the streaming is ready for viewing
4 To configure the rest of the settings, refer to the this user’s guide.
5 Click OK.
Configure the IIS Media Server
You need to configure an IIS media server and your RealPresence Capture Server to work with the server
as well.
When you configure an IIS media server, you can create two virtual directories, which are used for live
streaming and VoDs.
To configure the IIS media server:
1 Launch the IIS manager, then create a virtual directory named as live, with the default port as 80.
Specify the physical path for the virtual directory, for example, C:\inetpub\wwwroot\live.
2 Set the authentication methods.
a Select live.
b Double click Authentication.
c To play live streams on an iPad, make sure Anonymous Authentication is selected. To control
an IIS publishing point from your RealPresence Capture Server make sure that Windows
Authentication is selected.
3 Navigate to C:\inetpub\wwwroot\, create two xml files: clientaccesspolicy.xml and
Here is the example text for the clientaccesspolicy.xml and crossdomain.xml files.
If you have installed the Polycom RealPresence Media Manager and IIS on the
same server, you need to put the correct crossdomain.xml and
clientaccesspolicy.xml files to the root directory of the RealPresence Media
Manager portal.
For configuration steps, refer to Capture Server and Media Manager Integration