Polycom, Inc. 99
Appendix C – Configure the Server
Working with VCS
This chapter demonstrates how to configure RealPresence Capture Server working with Cisco
TelePresence® Video Communication Server (Cisco VCS). The configurations are different between H.323
and SIP.
● Configure VCS for H.323 Calling
● Configure VCS for SIP Calling
Configure VCS for H.323 Calling
For H.323, after you register RealPresence Capture Server to the Cisco VCS, Cisco VCS works as a
gatekeeper. you can configure the Cisco VCS and then call a VRR created on RealPresence Capture
Server to start a recording.
To configure VCS calling:
1 Create authentication accounts in VCS, such as ff1/1234, ff2/1234….ff6/1234.
2 Register RealPresence Capture Server to VCS. See To register the system to a gatekeeper to make
H.323 calls: for detailed steps.
3 Go to Configuration > Signaling Settings and set Gatekeeper type as Cisco VCS.
4 Register an endpoint to the VCS. For example, register Polycom Group Series 500 to the VCS.
Now you can dial from the Group Series 500 and the format of the address is E.164+VRR Number. After
the call is set up successfully, you can check the RealPresence Capture Server Admin Portal.
Configure VCS for SIP Calling
If your network supports SIP, you can use SIP to connect to conference calls. Cisco VCS works as a SIP
To configure VCS for SIP calling:
1 Register RealPresence Capture Server to VCS via SIP. See To configure the SIP settings: for
detailed steps.
2 Register an endpoint to the VCS via SIP. For example, register HDX 4000 to the VCS.
3 Configure the VCS to enable SIP calling.
a Log in to the Cisco VCS as an administrator.
b Go to VCS Configuration > New zone to create a new zone.