Appendix B – Configure 3rd Party Media Servers
Polycom, Inc. 96
7 Click OK.
To configure a template and VRR for use with the IIS server, see To create a VRR for use with an external
Configuring the Windows Media Server
You need to configure an Windows media server and your RealPresence Capture Server to work with the
server as well.
To configure the Windows Media Server:
1 Open Windows Media Services on program menu.
2 To enable Windows Media Server authentication, modify the properties as the following:
.Navigate to Server > Properties > Authentication, make sure “WMS Anonymous User
Authentication” is enabled.
Navigate to Server > Properties > Authentication, make sure “WMS Publishing Points ACL
Authorization” is enabled, and the Everyone user has full permission.
For live publish point, RSS can create the live publish points, so don’t need to create it manually
at Windows Media server.
For vod publish point, Create a On-demand publish point, input publish point name, location of
content, for example, c:\WMpub\WMarchive.
3 Install and configure an FTP server. The FTP server shares the c:\WMpub\WMarchive directory. You
need to grant the user at least the Read, Write, and Create Directories authorities.
To configure the Capture Server system for work with the Windows Media server:
1 Go to Server > Windows Media Server.
2 On the ACTION panel, click Add.
FTP Port Specify the port assigned to the IIS media server’s FTP server.
The default port is 21.
User Name Specify your user name to access this FTP server.
Password Specify your password to access this FTP server.
Default Path Specify the default FTP directory to save your recordings. Use / to represent
the root directory.
Enable SSL Specify whether to enable SSL encryption for the communication between
the RealPresence Capture Server system and the FTP server.
Test Test whether the FTP configurations work.
You cannot create two external servers with the same Server type, IP, Port, and
Application Name. This is because the RealPresence Capture Server system does
not allow publishing two streams to the same publish point to avoid overwriting the
first stream by the second one.