Record and Playback
Polycom, Inc. 61
If the system has not been registered to a gatekeeper, dial [RSS IP address]##[Quick Code]
For example, if the IP address of the Polycom RealPresence Capture Server system is and the quick code of the file to be played back is 0123456, dial
If the system has been registered to a SIP server, the SIP server should configure
CaptureServer as a SIP peer, dial [SIP Peer Prefix][Quick code].
For example, if the SIP peer prefix of the Polycom RealPresence Capture Server system is
1234 and the quick code of the file to be played back is 0123456, dial 12340123456.
If the system has not been registered to a SIP server, dial [Quick Code]@[RSS IP address]
For example, if the IP address of the Polycom RealPresence Capture Server system is and the quick code of the file to be played back is 0123456, dial 0123456@
If you want to play back the second episode of the archive, you can replace the quick code in
above dial string by appending episode index, such as replace 0123456@ with
Video Call Playback when Dialing out from Capture Server
RMX Playback (RMX 8.5 or higher)
If the Capture Server system dials into a conference hosted on RealPresence Collaboration Server, the
layout can be changed once Capture Server is connected when configured with SIP calls only.
To start a playback call:
1 On Capture Server Admin Portal, go to Media > Archives.
2 Select an archive and click Playback.
3 Fill in the IP address.
4 Choose a signaling protocol.
5 Choose from the following layouts:
Auto: Automatic layout according to conference setting at RMX side to recording server
Lecture: The playback video is viewed in full screen by all conference participants.
6 Choose an episode from the drop-down list.
7 Click OK.
• If no press on your part, it will begin playing the next episode automatically 30
seconds after the end of the previous one.
• Once the archive playback is completed, Capture Server will drop from the
multipoint call within five minutes if no command is given.
• Capture Server will terminate the call five minutes after the playback is paused.
• If the capacity supports 40 recordings only, the Quick Code playback function is
not supported.
• Once the archive playback is completed, Capture Server will drop from the
multipoint call within five minutes if no command is given.
• Capture Server will terminate the call five minutes after the playback is paused.