System Configuration
Polycom, Inc. 36
3 Enter certificate information:
Certificate Information
4 Click OK.
The Certificate Signing Request dialog box displays the encoded request.
5 Copy the entire contents of the Encoded Request box and submit it to your certificate authority. Be
sure to include the text -----BEGIN NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- and -----END NEW
Depending on the certificate authority, your CSR may be submitted by pasting it into a web page.
6 Click OK.
When your request has been processed, your certificate authority sends you a signed public
certificate for your RealPresence Capture Server system. Some certificate authorities also send
intermediate certificates or its root certificates.
The certificate authority might send you the certificate as e-mail text, an e-mail attachment, or content
on a secure web page.
Refer to To install a certificate for a trusted root CA:to install a certificate.
View Certificate Details
You can review installed certificate details.
To view the certificate details:
1 Go to Configuration > Certificate Management.
2 Click Display Details.
Certificate Details
Parameter Description
Common Name Specify the name of the system.
Organizational unit (OU) Specify the business unit defined by your organization (Optional). Use a
comma(,) to separate several business units.
Organization Specify your organization’s name (Optional).
City or locality (L) Specify the city where your organization is located (Optional).
State (ST) Specify the state or province where your organization is located (Optional).
Country (C) Specify your two-character country code.
Parameter Description
Certificate Info States the purpose and alias of the certificate.
Issue To States the entity to which the certificate was issued and the certificate serial
Issue By States the issuer.