Live Streaming
Polycom, Inc. 64
Start Live Streaming
Procedure for starting a live streaming is the same as the one for starting recording. For more information,
see Start a Recording
View Live Streaming Information
If live streaming is in progress on the system, the current live streaming list displays on the Live Streaming
page. Go to Media > Live Streaming menu to enter the Live Streaming page.
The live streaming list displays live streaming summary, such as live streaming name, VRR number used,
start time, live streaming detail and multicast detail.
View Live Streaming Video
When the system starts live streaming, you can view the video being live streamed in real time on the Live
Streaming page.
To view live streaming in progress:
1 Go to Media > Live Streaming.
2 Select the live streaming content you want to view in the list, and then click in the Live
Streaming Details area on the right side of the page. The system’s User Portal opens to play the
If the live streaming content uses two different bandwidths, two Play buttons with their bandwidths
appear in this area, and you may choose the appropriate bandwidth to play based on your network
Configure External Media Servers
You can now stream live meetings and on demand meeting archives to leading 3rd party media servers,
such as Wowza, IIS Media Service (Smooth Streaming only) and Windows Media Server.
Configure IIS or Wowza Media Server
You need to configure a Wowza or IIS media server and your RealPresence Capture Server to work with
the server as well.
To configure IIS and WOWZA media servers:
1 Click IIS or WOWZA under Server.
2 Click Add.
You can also view live streaming links on Home and Call.
Start Live Streaming
Procedure for starting a live streaming is the same as the one for starting recording. For more information,
see Start a Recording
View Live Streaming Information
If live streaming is in progress on the system, the current live streaming list displays on the Live Streaming
page. Go to Media > Live Streaming menu to enter the Live Streaming page.
The live streaming list displays live streaming summary, such as live streaming name, VRR number used,
start time, live streaming detail and multicast detail.
View Live Streaming Video
When the system starts live streaming, you can view the video being live streamed in real time on the Live
Streaming page.
To view live streaming in progress:
1 Go to Media > Live Streaming.
2 Select the live streaming content you want to view in the list, and then click in the Live
Streaming Details area on the right side of the page. The system’s User Portal opens to play the
If the live streaming content uses two different bandwidths, two Play buttons with their bandwidths
appear in this area, and you may choose the appropriate bandwidth to play based on your network
Configure External Media Servers
You can now stream live meetings and on demand meeting archives to leading 3rd party media servers,
such as Wowza, IIS Media Service (Smooth Streaming only) and Windows Media Server.
Configure IIS or Wowza Media Server
You need to configure a Wowza or IIS media server and your RealPresence Capture Server to work with
the server as well.
To configure IIS and WOWZA media servers:
1 Click IIS or WOWZA under Server.
2 Click Add.
You can also view live streaming links on Home and Call.