
User’s Guide 189
frames 51, 53, 54, 107
replacing data 68
resetting default communications settings
bar code for 170
resetting the portable
bar code for 166
reversing order of data 69
right click 3
sample applications 10, 11
Save As command 26
Save command 25
saving program source files 26
scanned data, translating 14
scanner, allowing input from 58
clearing 59
displaying menus on 55
displaying text on 56
echoing input to 59
outputting data to 61
size of 55
searching for data 68
see portables 14
selecting objects 35
send file to Portable 97
serial defaults 164
serial interface, allowing input from 58
serial port
outputting data to 61
shift key on portables 58
snap grid 30, 32
software requirements 6
source files 26
style conventions 2–3
subroutines 181
calling 53, 72
changing fonts in 30
creating 52
supported portables 7
system requirements 6
system (operating)
outputting data to 61
Technical Support 178
templates 81, 84–86, 128–134, 181
about 78, 88, 128
creating fields for 131
creating nodes for 129
testing programs 89
bar code for 169
timeout, setting 58
transferring data 14
translating data 14, 85
troubleshooting 138
type of data, verifying 65
uppercase, changing to lowercase 68
using Cut vs. Delete 36
Verify nodes 63, 118, 181
Verify Input 118
wildcards 63
data 63
input size 142
Microsoft Windows 7
vertical axis, setting snap grid for 30, 32
View menu
Frames 50
Nodes 53
zoom in 13
zoom out 13
2342.book Page 189 Thursday, July 22, 2004 8:35 AM