
G7 ASD Operation Manual 177
Control Power Undervoltage This fault is caused by an undervoltage condition at the 5, 15, or the 24 VDC
3-phase input voltage low.
CPU Fault CPU malfunction.
DC Bus Undervoltage 3-phase input voltage low.
Defective control board.
Excessive load on the power supply.
Undervoltage/Ridethrough settings require adjustment.
DC Fuse Open Internal DC bus fuse is open.
Note: The event that caused the Trip(s) must be corrected or must decrease to less than the threshold
value required to cause the trip to allow for a Reset to be recognized. In the event of multiple
active trips, the trip displayed will remain until all faults are corrected and all trips are cleared.
Dynamic Braking Resistor Overcurrent ASD inability to discharge the bus voltage during regeneration.
No dynamic braking resistor (DBR) installed.
Deceleration time is too short.
Improper DBR setup information.
Defective IGBT7 (or IGBT7 ckt.).
3-phase input voltage is above specification.
Dynamic Braking Resistor Overload Deceleration time is too short.
DBR setting adjustment required.
Overvoltage Stall setting adjustment required.
Earth Fault Ground fault at the motor.
Ground fault at the output of the ASD.
Current leakage to Earth Ground.
EEPROM Data Fault Internal EEPROM malfunction.
EEPROM Fault EEPROM write malfunction.
Emergency Off Emergency Off command received via EOI or remotely.
Encoder Loss Encoder signal missing while running during closed-loop operation.
Flash Memory Fault Flash memory malfunction.
Gate Array Fault Defective Gate Array or Gate Array malfunction.
Input Phase Loss 3-phase input to the ASD is low or missing.
Load Drooping Load requirement is in excess of the capabilities of the motor.
Load End Short Circuit Improper wiring at the ASD output to the motor.
Low Current Improper Low Current detection level setting.
Main Board EEPROM Fault Internal EEPROM malfunction.
Fault Screen Display Possible Causes