MTU Size
• MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) value should only be
changed if advised to do so by Technical Support.
• Enter a value between 1 and 1500.
• This device will still auto-negotiate with the remote server, to set
the MTU size. The smaller of the 2 values (auto-negotiated, or
entered here) will be used.
PPPoE Connection
Automatic Dial-up
An Internet connection is automatically made when required, and
disconnected when idle for the time period specified by the "Discon-
nect after Idling".
Disconnect After
This field has no effect unless using the Automatic Dial-up setting.
If using this setting, enter the desired idle time-out period (in mi-
nutes). After the connection to your ISP has been idle for this time
period, the connection will be terminated.
Bind Service
IPSec Pass
IPSec protocol is used to establish a secure connection, and is widely
used by VPN (Virtual Private Networking) programs.
PPTP (Point to Point Tunneling Protocol) is widely used by VPN
(Virtual Private Networking) programs.
Network Card
Select the desired option from the drop-down list.