The library names in this sample should be tailored to your installation specifica-
tions. The YYYYY.IDAXFC.AFPLIB and XESLIB are included as sample dataset names
only and are
generated during installation.
IDAXFC Control Profile Description
The IDAXFC profile is used to supply idaXFC configuration options, e.g. general
customization and printer definitions. The profile must be located in a separate member or
dataset (not instream) with a maximum width of 80 characters). The profile is divided into
two sections, general definitions related to the entire subsystem and individual printer defi-
nitions. Printer related information consists of two components, a default printer profile and
specific printer definitions.
The default printer definition is used to specify the default values that will be used for suc-
cessive printer definitions. Multiple default statements can be included to permit for gener-
ation of default attributes for each printer type. Values specified in the default definition will
be used where a specific value is
specified in the printer definition.
The printer definition defines each printer available to the
. Remember that a cor-
responding JES or CA-Spool definition will be required before the printer can be activated.
Printer specific information can be included within this definition,
A sample profile is indicated in Figure 4 on page 24.
Profile Keyword Syntax
The IDAXFC profile can be up to 80 characters, and consists of keyword and sub-
parameter values. Keyword values must be placed in column one, followed by one or more
sub-parameters (as appropriate) separated by a space. The comma is used as a contin-
uation character after the last keyword, and the following sub-parameters can be placed on
consecutive lines after column one.
Lines that do not contain a keyword, or are not continuation lines are interpreted as com-
ment statements.
The following profile keywords can be defined:
• DEFAULT (default printer definitions)
The default statement must always be placed prior to the first PRINTER statement
within each FSS system. Multiple DEFAULT statements can be defined (e.g. after
printer statements to enable the definition of printer options by printer type).
• FSSNAME (FSS name) - used to define multiple FSS's within a single profile. This
keyword is not applicable when only a single FSS is defined.
• PRINTER (1 to 2200 printer definitions)
Up to 2200 printers can be defined in each FSS subsystem. Multiple subsystems can
be defined to address additional printers.
A sample idaXFC profile definition is illustrated on the following page that can be used
to control multiple printers from a single functional subsystem:
ida XFC Spool File Converter Installation Procedure 23