ida XFC Product Highlights
• Converts Xerox Escape Sequence printer (XES) datastream to AFP output
• Print legacy XES application output on AFP printers
• Wide range of install options for flexibility to match existing print environment.
• Customization available for tailoring to installation specific requirements
• Three separate installation options
* Stand Alone XES to AFP Spool file conversion
• Functional Subsystem Interface to JES spool system
• Emulates a printer device to perform XES to AFP spool conversion
• Generates spool file output for further processing
• Can use JES defined Sysout class for output to
• Accepts IEBGENER or other standard input
• Reads directly from spool via Cross Memory Services
• Operator interface using MVS Modify command
• Operator controls via JES2/SDSF commands
* idaPSS Exit Installation
• Provide XES to AFP conversion using existing idaPSS.
• Permits printing on printers supported by idaPSS.
• Enhances idaPSS as a total print solution for AFP, Line and XES data.
• Wide range of connectivity options
* Batch Program
• Provide XES to AFP conversion using batch job step.
• Generates Spool output to existing AFP printer driver(s).
Year 2000 Support
When the
product is used on IBM Operating Systems that conform to Year 2000,
program functions that affect date/time processing will function correctly. Further informa-
tion on IBM products level of Year 2000 conformance can be found at the following internet
location http://www.ibm.s390.com/stories/year2000.
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