Appendix B. Data Stream Description
Input Datastream Description
This section describes the format of the input data supported by the product. XES input
datastream can bee encoded in a variety of formats. The following formats are supported
by the
XES data that has been generated in XES format using EBCDIC encoding.
• Escape or Escape Escape Coding
XES data that has been generated in ASCII format, and contains i-data single or dou-
ble escape notation to enable data transfer. A variety of escape notations can be uti-
i-data Function Selection via the Line (FSL) commands are not supported by the product,
except for the Escape and Escape Escape notation. FSL commands will however be re-
moved from the datastream, and will not be printed.
The Carriage control channel command Skip to Channel One is supported. All other car-
riage control commands will be ignored.
XES Datastream
In general, the
provides Xerox 4045 XES emulation. Details regarding the com-
mands supported as contained in this section.
Further information regarding the XES datastream can be obtained from
Xerox 4045 Laser
CP User Manual, January 1986, number 600P88455
In the following table, the <LE> indi-
cates a line-ending character, e.g. Carriage Return or Line Feed.
Font ID Assignment +n<Fontname><LE>
Font Change *n (n=0-9)
Print *+P<LE>
Reset *+X<LE>
Margins (whole page) *m<S,T,B,L,R><LE>
Top Margin *zn<N><LE>
Bottom Margin *zq<N><LE>
Left Margin *zk<N><LE>
Right Margin *zm<N><LE>
Start Justification *j
Stop Justification *k
Start Underline *u
Appendix B. Data Stream Description B-1