Modifying the XES FORMS Data Definition Reference
If the default DDNAME reference to the location of XES forms is not suitable, it can be
modified using the DDNAME Entry. The DDNAME label contains the DDNAME reference
that will be used by the XES transform when XES forms are requested.
Use of XES forms may not apply to your installation.
Modifying the Default User Defined Key
The Default UDK (User Defined Key) is used within XES print jobs to override the standard
escape sequence. The specified value may vary from installation to installation. The
DEFUDK entry is used to alter the default value used by the program. If no UDK will be
used, the default value (X'1B') should be replaced with a space.
Modifying the Sixel Decoding Table
The XES datastream can contain non-printable text fields used to represent font and pic-
ture data in sixel format. Sixel encoding is used to eliminate the problem of font/image data
being interpreted as characters or commands. Fonts are typically provided in sixel format,
however you installation may use their own code routines to reconvert font or image data
to other sixel encoding. If this is the case, you may need to modify the default supplied sixel
to binary decoding tables.
The TRTAB Entry point is used to start the definition of translate table from sixel format to
binary encoding. All codepoints from 00 to FF are supplied in this table.
Changing the Character Mapping and Language
converts the XES datastream input to a common ISO codepage 500 based
format. This applies to XES datastreams in ASCII (e.g. ESC ESC format) and EBCDIC for-
mat. From the ISO codepage, selection of the language specific character selection is per-
formed using the default language or XES language commands.
The default EBCDIC language or codepage can be selected by modifying the DEFLANG
entry to include the appropriate language number as required.
38 ida XFC Installation Guide