idaPSS XES Exit Installation and Modification
This section describes the procedure required to install the idaPSS Exit component sup-
plied with this product. The supplied XES Exit software can be installed together with ex-
isting program Exits, and does not alter their functionality. The XES input datastream can
be printed on the same output devices presently driven by idaPSS (for AFP data). The
supplied XES exit software requires installation of User Exit's 1 and 8.
Please ensure that the idaPSS subsystem has previously been successfully in-
stalled prior to installing the idaPSS XES conversion Exit.
The following steps are required to install the idaXFC exit for idaPSS:
1. Install the product tape files
2. Install the supplied fonts and codepages
3. Modify the PSS Exit 1 invocation source (optional)
4. Perform XES transform modifications
5. Relink idaPSS program module
6. Implement idaPSS Proclib updates
7. Implement idaPSS Profile updates
8. Implement JCL modifications for XES selection
Install the product tape files
Installation of the product tape is described in "Load the datasets supplied on the product
tape" on page 17. The product libraries created do not conflict or modify the current
idaPSS installation libraries.
Install the supplied Fonts and Codepages
A minimal of sample AFP fonts in the CG Courier typeface are provided on the installation
tape in 300 pel.
These fonts have been provided as samples only, to allow for installation validation, and
can be used in conjunction with AFP generator programs, and for printing with
IBM AFP printers.
If required, these fonts (and associated code pages) can be installed in an existing 300 pel
font libraries.
Modify the PSS Exit 1 invocation source (optional)
Selection of the XES to AFP exit is performed using a modification to Exit 1 that selects XES
output based on the value of the JCL OUTPUT DD statement PRMODE option (i.e.
PRMODE=XES). If your installation plans on using another PRMODE value to identify the
print datastream type, modify the CHANEXIT source appropriately. If you wish to use an-
other JCL option to indicate that XES to AFP conversion is required, other you may select
idaPSS XES Exit Installation and Modification 29