idaXFC batch Software Installation and Modification
idaXFC batch Installation Procedure
Generation of the Load Library
Creation of a load library will be required for the program modules supplied in object code.
The BLDXFC JCL invokes the
utility to generate the
idaXFC batch
program load
modules. Modify the data set name and volser information on the Load Module DCB
statement to match your installation defaults.
idaXFC batch
load module is reentrant and reusable.
The steps described below should be performed prior to using the
idaXFC batch
Install the supplied Fonts and Codepages
A minimal of sample AFP fonts in the CG Courier typeface are provided on the installation
tape in 300 pel.
These fonts have been provided as samples only, to allow for installation validation, and
can be used in conjunction with AFP generator programs, and for printing with
IBM AFP printers.
If required, these fonts (and associated code pages) can be installed in an existing 300 pel
font libraries.
Customize the XES Translation
The supplied XES translation source, XESTRANS can be modified to alter:
• XES to AFP font selection (including codepage)
• XES Lead-in and Lead-out strings
• Page length and margins
• External DD name for FORMS references
• Default User Defined Key (UDK)
• Modifying the sixel decoding table
• Default EBCDIC language translation (codepage)
If any modifications are required to these values, refer to the steps described in "XES
Transform modifications" on page 36 for additional information. The XESTRANS module
will need to be relinked prior to proceeding.
32 ida XFC Installation Guide