Development System Reference Guide www.xilinx.com 135
MAP Options
–f (Execute Commands File)
–f command_file
The –f option executes the command line arguments in the specified command_file. For
more information on the –f option, see “–f (Execute Commands File)” in Chapter 1.
–gf (Guide NCD File)
–gf guidefile
The –gf option specifies the name of an existing NCD file (from a previous MAP run) to be
used as a guide for the current MAP run. Guided mapping also uses an NGM file. For a
description of guided mapping, see the “Guided Mapping” section of this chapter.
When using guided mapping with the –timing (Timing-Driven Packing and Placement), Xilinx
recommends using a placed NCD as the guide file. A placed NCD is produced by running MAP –
timing or PAR.
–global_opt (Global Optimization)
–global_opt on|off
This option directs MAP to perform global optimization routines on the fully assembled
netlist before mapping the design. Global optimization includes logic remapping and
trimming, logic and register replication and optimization, and logic replacement of
tristates. These routines will extend the runtime of Map because extra processing occurs.
This option is available for Virtex-4 designs. By default this option is off.
When using the –global_opt option, Modular and Incremental design flows are not
recommended. Incremental guide mode is explicitly prohibited and Formal Verification
flows will be negatively affected. Also, certain MAP properties are not allowed in
conjunction with global optimization, such as the –gf, –ol, and –u options.
See also the “–equivalent_register_removal (Remove Redundant Registers)” and “–retiming
(Register Retiming During Global Optimization)” options for use with
–gm (Guide Mode)
–gm {exact | leverage}
The –gm option specifies the form of guided mapping to be used.
In the EXACT mode the mapping in the guide file is followed exactly. In the LEVERAGE
mode, the guide design is used as a starting point for mapping but, in cases where the
guided design tools cannot find matches between net and block names in the input and
guide designs, or your constraints rule out any matches, the logic is not guided.
For a description of guided mapping, see “Guided Mapping”.
–gm incremental (Guide Mode incremental)
par -gf previous_run_NCD -gm incremental design.ncd
new_design.ncd design.pcf
The incremental guide mode uses EXACT guiding. It also changes the Partial
Reconfiguration DRC checks.