60 www.xilinx.com Development System Reference Guide
Chapter 3: Tcl
new (create a new partition)
The partition new command creates a new partition on a specified instance or collection in
the current design. A collection is specified using the dollar-sign syntax ($) with the name
of the collection variable.
% partition new <partition_name>
partition is the name of the Xilinx Tcl command.
new is the name of the partition subcommand.
partition_name specifies the full hierarchical name of the instance you wish to create the
partition on, or the collection.
up_to_date_synthesis True or false, based on the status of the synthesis
up_to_date_implementation True or false, based on the status of the implementation
Example: % partition get /stopwatch/Inst_dcm1 preserve
Description: In this example, the partition get command is used to obtain the
current value of the preserve property.
Tcl Return: The property value as a text string. In this example, the return will
be routing, placement, synthesis, or inherit.
Table 3-3: Partition Property Names and Tcl Returns
Partition Property Name Tcl Return
Example: % partition new /stopwatch/Inst_dcm1
Description: In this example, the partition new command is used to create a new
partition on the Inst_dcm1 instance in the current design. The full
hierarchical name (/stopwatch/Inst_dcm1) is required to specify
the instance. In this case, stopwatch is the name of the top-level
entity in the VHDL source.
Tcl Return: The full hierarchical name of the newly created partition. In this
example, /stopwatch/Inst_dcm1 is returned.